I appreciate you. You are more important than anything I post here about me.

My life has been dedicated to serving others.

As you learn more about me, you will understand this.

What I mean by this is I was directed by spirit to do certain things this lifetime.

I am a doctor of chiropractic and previous to becoming a chiropractor,

I was a teacher and dean of a high school in East Harlem, NY.

In addition to that I was a lifeguard during the summers of 1969-1989.

I served as a Chief Lifeguard my last few years at Orchard Beach in the Bronx.

This pattern of doing things that help others is a part of my life.

Recently I have learned more about mindset and servanthood marketing and

found mentors that have helped teach and empower me.

You are here for a reason and that is what is most important.

I will be adding more here soon. I promise, so bookmark my link.

Let your higher self shine.

Dr. Mike
